Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Other Half

I admit, I have been putting this one off for a while.  I've "been busy", my computer caught a really yucky virus that we are still trying to get rid of, I started a new endeavor, etcetera. But really, I just haven't been sure how to tackle this topic, and how long to spend on it. So I will just be brief.

In my experience, when it comes to healing, there are two aspects to consider.  There is emotional healing, and there is physical healing. I have spent the last year posting about emotional healing. Most people I cross paths with tend to ignore that part. They like physical answers: better food, medicine, herbs, oils, exercises, and such to deal with physical complaints. But I have discovered that often, when I address the emotional needs behind the physical pain, as well as the physical pain itself, the healing process happens quicker and becomes permanent.  A team approach works better than any approach by itself.

Thus, on to healing the physical side of depression.

I am not going to get too deep into how depression works on a cellular level. I learned about it first in my college psychology class. Some people refer to depression as a "chemical imbalance". Close enough. The point is, inside somebody who struggles with clinical depression, there is definitely something real and physical going on to maintain the depression. So, simply trying to "think happy" is not going to just make the depression go away.

Modern medicine has come a long way in creating drugs to help maintain proper functioning on a cellular level!  Thank Heavens! I am so grateful that, for ten years, I could just swallow a little pill every morning and feel normal! And Happy! And all of those other emotions in a healthy, normal way.

And just as thankfully, those same Heavens have provided the means to real and permanent healing for depression. My own personal journey led me to Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique, or NAET for short. NAET, basically, uses muscle-testing to find allergies, and a non-invasive treatment to eliminate them. As I used this technique to heal allergies in my body (many of which I didn't even realize I had, yet), my gut health improved, which also healed the chemical imbalance causing depression.

After several months of using NAET combined with Emotional Healing Tools, I was able wean off of the depression medication I had been using for the previous decade. (Disclaimer: Anytime you want to discontinue medication use, please discuss it with your doctor!) I definitely experienced an adjustment period for several months, with short depressive episodes (a few days up to a few weeks), but I continued to use all of my tools, and finally slew the Depression Beast for good! As of this posting, I have been medication-free for three years, and completely Depression free for two.

NAET is only one of many modalities available for healing. Here is a story about another natural method for treating depression and anxiety.

I recommend these sources:

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K. Truman
The Biology Of Belief  by Bruce Lipton
Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
Remembering Wholeness by Carol Tuttle
The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson

Unlocking Depression (April 2015 posts in particular address healing, gut health, and modalities)

Youtube video:
The Biology of Belief Lecture by Bruce Lipton

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